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Model: CO2L, Carbon Footprint for companies

Advanced, easy to use and with extensive database

CO2L ("c-o-tool") is a sophisticated, yet easy to use model to calculate a carbon footprint (CF) of your company, production processes and / or products.

A CO2-footprint (carbon footprint or CF) is a measure for the emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG, mainly carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4 and nitrous oxide N2O) that is attributable to a specific consumption, production, product, company or a region or country.

A carbon footprint of a company results in a total for all GHG emissions (expressed in CO2 equivalents) that can be attributed to that company. A CF can be expressed in absolute units (eg kilotonnes) or in a relative unit (eg tonnes CO2-equivalents per tonne production, per employee or per million earned €).

  • The CF-model is fully compiled in Excel. Anyone with some experience in the use of Excel can use the model easily.

  • CO2L includes a large database of emission factors (in terms of CO2-equivalents) of all kinds of (green) energy, substances and raw materials in the production chain 'upstream' ('cradle-to-gate').

  • The database can be expanded with new items, eg emission factors of materials and (semi-) products from your own suppliers.

  • Within the model, the total footprint can be differentiated into separate products, processes or company locations.

  • The model is very flexible and can be customized upon request.

  • The complete CO2L model with extensive database costs € 30 and is available on request by sending an e-mail to TME (details on the contact page).

  • If you wish to get the complete model with some support (up to 2 hours), the all-in costs are € 99. In addition, extensive support of TME is possible.

FREE to use fully functional demo version

By the links below a fully functional demo version of CO2L and a manual for the model is freely available.

The demo model works exact the same way as the full model. However, the demo version has a few limitations compared to the full model:

  • the database of the demo model is limited and cannot be modified or extended by the user

  • the demo model contains fewer lines per heading

The demo version of CO2L for companies is a spreadsheet-file (266 kB).

The manual for the model is a pdf-file (131 kB).

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