TME European projects
The projects below are in progress or finished recently. For most of the projects more information about content and results is publicly available. The description of those projects contains a link to that extra information. If you have specific questions about project results or reports, you can submit them to TME.
Environmental expenditures in EU industries
In this study, time series of environmental expenditures have been analysed for 6 industrial case studies: mining and quarrying, manufacturing, refineries, chemical industries,
the base metal sector and the power sector. The time series cover the period 1995 – 2012.
Two types of environmental expenditures are studied: investments and operational expenditures. In total, 23 member states of the EU, submit data on environmental expenditures.
For environmental investments the data cover most of the years and member states, for operational environmental expenditures, the coverage of data is less abundant.
report "Environmental Expenditures EU_final report" (pdf) >>
databases "Environmental Expenditures EU" (excel) >>
Towards a Greener Retail Sector
This study describes and assesses the current environmental performance of 20 large retailers in Europe with regards to four areas: (i) promoting the purchase of green products, (ii) encouraging measures to effectively green supply chains, (iii) improving retailers’ own environmental performance, and (iv) better informing consumers.
Ex post vs ex ante costs assessment of environmental legislation
This report addresses the question to what extent the ex-ante and ex-post estimates of costs to business resulting from EU environmental legislation differ, how these differences can be explained, and what the implications are for cost assessments. This report is the result of a project which involved a literature review, the writing of a methodological paper, six case studies, and an expert workshop. The case studies (which are summarized in Appendix I) were on the following pieces/areas of EU environmental legislation: the Large Combustion Plant Directives, the IPPC Directive, Ozone depleting substances, Car emissions, Packaging and packaging waste and the Nitrates Directive.
report "Ex Post Estimates of Costs of EU Environmental Legislation" >>
report "Case Study Road Transport" >>
Development of Environmental Policy in Serbia
Economic Assessment of the Serbian National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP)
Financing strategy rural water supply and sanitation in Armenia
Extend and Test Financing Strategy for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Armenia
Connection to piped water supply and sewerage is (almost) obvious in urban settlements, but it is not at all obvious in the rural context. Due to smaller scales of operation, systems will tend to be more expensive in rural areas. Financing will even be a larger problem than in urban areas. Institutions will be week and local budgets are very limited. Jointly with the International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) and local consultants TME will extend the financing strategy methodology to rural water supply and sanitation in Armenia. The focus will be on institutional strenghtening of the rural Water and Sanitation Sector (WSS). Also a FEASIBLE tool for calculating costs for water supply and wastewater will be tested. The objective of the project is to make it possible to develop and implement a fully fledged financing strategy for rural WSS in Armenia.

Mareclean: coastal waters Granville