Instituut voor Toegepaste Milieu-Economie / TME > TME projecten > Europese projecten > Milieubeleid Servie

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Ontwikkelen van Milieubeleid in Servie

Economic Assessment of the Serbian National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP)

Principal: European Agency for Reconstruction

Years: 2004-2007

Partners: ERM, DHV


National Policy Dialogues are the main mechanism within the EU Water Initiative for identifying priority actions and for establishing a multi-stakeholder dialogue with partner countries, including EECCA countries (Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia). The overall goal of the NDP is to help reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) related to water in Armenia. Implementation of he project is supported by a Steering Committee. Information about the Steering Committee activities, meetings, agenda and documents is available by following the links below.

Steering Committee documents